Joint spatio-textual reasoning for answering tourism questionsDanish ContractorShashank Goelet al.2021WWW 2021
Bootstrapping Dialog Models from Human to Human Conversation LogsPankaj DhooliaVineet Kumaret al.2021AAAI 2021
Neural conversational QA: Learning to reason vs exploiting patternsNikhil VermaAbhishek Sharmaet al.2020EMNLP 2020
Constrained BERT BiLSTM CRF for understanding multi-sentence entity-seeking questionsDanish ContractorBarun Patraet al.2020Natural Language Engineering
Document chunking and learning objective generation for instruction designKhoi Nguyen TranJey Han Lauet al.2018EDM 2018
Exemplar encoder-decoder for neural conversation generationGaurav PandeyDanish Contractoret al.2018ACL 2018
Document segmentation for labeling with academic learning objectivesDivyanshu BhartiyaDanish Contractoret al.2016EDM 2016