Conference paper

A live Intranet distance learning system using MPEG-4 over RTP/RTSP


This paper describes an application where multiple live audio/visual data streams ate combined in MPEG-4 and streamed via RTP/RTSP. The scenario involves the video and audio of a classroom instructor, where the overhead foils the instructor may use are sent as an additional separate data stream. The three streams are encapsulated in MPEG-4 Systems, which adds synchronization among the streams and a combined composition (positioning and sizing) into a single multimedia presentation. The MPEG-4 classroom presentation is multicast live using RTP/RTSP, which allows remote students to join the class at any time. Additionally, the live presentation is captured in an MPEG-4 file. This will allow for repeating the same class again over RTP/RTSP, or for later review via HTTP on request. The client is an MPEG-4 player written in pure Java, whereas the server is an extension of an existing IBM video server. The system has been implemented and a demonstration is given.
