PPoPP 2012
Conference paper

A work-stealing scheduler for X10's task parallelism with suspension

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The X10 programming language is intended to ease the programming of scalable concurrent and distributed applications. X10 augments a familiar imperative object-oriented programming model with constructs to support light-weight asynchronous tasks as well as execution across multiple address spaces. A crucial aspect of X10's runtime system is the scheduling of concurrent tasks. Workstealing schedulers have been shown to efficiently load balance fine-grain divide-and-conquer task-parallel program on SMPs and multicores. But X10 is not limited to shared-memory fork-join parallelism. X10 permits tasks to suspend and synchronize by means of conditional atomic blocks and remote task invocations. In this paper, we demonstrate that work-stealing scheduling principles are applicable to a rich programming language such as X10, achieving performance at scale without compromising expressivity, ease of use, or portability.We design and implement a portable work-stealing execution engine for X10.While this engine is biased toward the efficient execution of fork-join parallelism in shared memory, it handles the full X10 language, especially conditional atomic blocks and distribution. We show that this engine improves the run time of a series of benchmark programs by several orders of magnitude when used in combination with the C++ backend compiler and runtime for X10. It achieves scaling comparable to state-of-the art work-stealing scheduler implementations-the Cilk++ compiler and the Java fork/join framework-despite the dramatic increase in generality. Copyright © 2012 ACM.



PPoPP 2012

