
AFM review study on pox viruses and living cells


Single living cells were studied in growth medium by atomic force microscopy at a high- down to one image frame per second- imaging rate over time periods of many hours, stably, producing hundreds of consecutive scans with a lateral resolution of ~30-40 nm. The cell was held by a micropipette mounted onto the scanner-piezo as shown in Haberle, W., J. K. H. Horber, and G. Binnig. 1991. Force microscopy on living cells. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B9:1210-0000. To initiate specific processes on the cell surface the cells had been infected with pox viruses as reported earlier and, most likely, the liberation of a progeny virion by the still-living cell was observed, hence confirming and supporting earlier results (Haberle, W., J. K. H. Horber, F. Ohnesorge, D. P. E. Smith, and G. Binnig. 1992. In situ investigations of single living cells infected by viruses. Ultramicroscopy. 42-44:1161-0000 Horber J. K. H. W. Haberle, F. Ohnesorge, G. Binnig, H. G. Liebich, C. P. Czerny, H. Mahnel, and A. Mayr. 1992. Investigation of living cells in the nanometer regime with the atomic force microscope. Scanning Microscopy. 6:919-930). Furthermore, the pox viruses used were characterized separately by AFM in an aqueous environment down to the molecular level. Quasi-ordered structural details were resolved on a scale of a few nm where, however, image distortions and artifacts due to multiple tip effects are probably involved- just as in very high resolution (<15-20 nm) images on the cells. Although in a very preliminary manner, initial studies on the mechanical resonance properties of a single living (noninfected) cell, held by the micropipette, have been performed. In particular, frequency response spectra were recorded that indicate elastic properties and enough stiffness of these cells to make the demonstrated rapid scanning of the imaging tip plausible. Measurements of this kind, especially if they can be proven to be cell-type specific, may perhaps have a large potential for biomedical applications. Images of these living cells were also recorded in the widely known (e.g., Radmacher, M., R. W. Tillmann, and H. E. Gaub. 1993. Imaging viscoelasticity by force modulation with the atomic force microscope. Biophys. J. 64:735-742) force modulation mode, yet at one low modulation frequency of ~2 kHz. (Note: After the cells were attached to the pipette by suction, they first deformed significantly and then reassumed their original spherical shape, which they also acquire when freely suspended in solution, to a great extent with the exception of the portion adjusting to the pipette edge geometry after ~0.5- 1 h, which occurred in almost the same manner with uninfected cells, and those that had been infected several hours earlier. This seems to be a process which is at least actively supported by the cellular cytoskeleton, rather than a mere osmotic pressure effect induced by electrolyte transport through the membrane. Furthermore, several hours postinfection (p.i.) infected cells developed many optically visible refraction effects, which appeared as small dark spots in the light microscope, that we believed to be the regions in the cell plasma where viruses are assembled; this is known from the literature on electron microscopy on pox-infected cells and referred to there as 'virus factories' (e.g., Moss. 3. 1986. Replication of box viruses. In Fundamental Virology, B. N. Fields and. D. M. Knape, editors. Raven Press, New York. 637-655). Therefore, we assume that the cells stay alive during imaging, in our experience for ~30-45 h p.i.).
