Conference paper

Collabot: Personalized group chat summarization


In recent1 years, enterprise group chat collaboration tools, such as Slack, IBM's Watson Workspace and Microsoft Teams, have presented unprecedented growth. With all the potential benefits of these tools - productivity increase and improved group communication - come significant challenges. Specifically, the 'always on' feature that makes it hard for users to cope with the load of conversational content and get up to speed after logging off for a while. In this demo, we present Collabot - a chat assistant service that implicitly learns users interests and social ties within a chat group and provides a personalized digest of missed content. Collabot assists users in coping with chat information overload by helping them understand the main topics discussed, collaborators, links and resources. This demo has two main contributions. First, we present a novel personalized group chat summarization algorithm; second the demonstration depicts a working implementation applied on different chat groups from different domains within IBM. A video, describing the demo can be found at
