Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Comments on "scale-free networks without growth"

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In [Y.-B. Xie, T. Zhou, B.-H. Wang, Scale-free networks without growth, Physica A 387 (2008) 16831688], a nongrowing scale-free network model has been introduced, which shows that the degree distribution of the model varies from the power-law form to the Poisson form as the free parameter α increases, and indicates that the growth may not be necessary for a scale-free network structure to emerge. However, the model implicitly assumes that self-loops and multiple-links are allowed in the model and counted in the degree distribution. In many real-life networks, such an assumption may not be reasonable. We showed here that the degree distribution of the emergent network does not obey a power-law form if self-loops and multiple-links are allowed in the model but not counted in the degree distribution. We also observed the same result when self-loops and multiple-links are not allowed in the model. Furthermore, we showed that the effect of self-loops and multiple-links on the degree distribution weakens as α increases and even becomes negligible when α is sufficiently large. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications


