Complete All Optical Switching of Visible Picosecond Pulses in Birefringent Fiber
Numerous approaches have been recently pursued in all optical switching in fiber devices.1-4 A number of these efforts have demonstrated the principle of switching based upon cross-phase modulation (XPM) by a control pulse, but have failed to achieve high switching contrast ratios.1-2 For anomalous dispersion, switching of soliton like pulses based upon XPM by a second wavelength has been accomplished.2 Uniform XPM and high contrast switching of visible signal pulses was achieved using a long duration control pulse of a different color so that the control walks through the signal owing to group velocity dispersion.4 In this paper the need for a second source is eliminated by using cross-phase modulation from a short, orthogonally polarized control pulse of the same frequency, in a birefringent fiber. It is found that 50:1 switching contrast is obtained and that the effects of broadening of the control pulse are significant and must be considered.
© 1993 Optical Society of America