Conference paper

Data-driven validation, completion and construction of event relationship networks


Event management is a focal point in building and maintaining high quality information infrastructures. We have witnessed the shift of the paradigm of event management in practice from root cause analysis (RCA) to action-oriented analysis (AOA). IBM has developed a pioneer event management methodology (EMD) based on the AOA paradigm and applied it to more than two hundred production sites with success. Foreseeably, more and more event management professionals will apply AOA in different incarnations in building proactive management facilities. By that, building correct and effective Event Relationship Networks (ERNs) becomes the dominating activity in AOA service design process. Currently, the quality of ERNs and the cost of building them largely depend on the knowledge of domain experts. We believe that we can utilize historical event logs in shortening the ERNs design process and perfecting the quality of ERNs. In this paper, we describe in detail how to apply this data-driven approach in ERN validation, completion and construction. Copyright 2003 ACM.
