Conference paper

Data selection for language modeling using sparse representations


The ability to adapt language models to specific domains from large generic text corpora is of considerable interest to the language modeling community. One of the key challenges is to identify the text material relevant to a domain in the generic text collection. The text selection problem can be cast in a semi-supervised learning framework where the initial hypothesis from a speech recognition system is used to identify relevant training material. We present a novel sparse representation formulation which selects a sparse set of relevant sentences from the training data which match the test set distribution. In this formulation, the training sentences are treated as the columns of the sparse representation matrix and the n-gram counts as the rows. The target vector is the n-gram probability distribution for the test data. A sparse solution to this problem formulation identifies a few columns which can best represent the target test vector, thus identifying the relevant set of sentences from the training data. Rescoring results with the language model built from the data selected using the proposed method yields modest gains on the English broadcast news RT-04 task, reducing the word error rate from 14.6% to 14.4%. © 2010 ISCA.



