
Effective Bandwidths for Multiclass Markov Fluids and Other ATM Sources


We show the existence of effective bandwidths for multiclass Markov fluids and other types of sources that are used to model ATM traffic. More precisely, we show that when such sources share a buffer with deterministic service rate, a constraint on the tail of the buffer occupancy distribution is a linear constraint on the number of sources. That is, for a small loss probability one can assume that each source transmits at a fixed rate called its effective bandwidth. When traffic parameters are known, effective bandwidths can be calculated and may be used to obtain a circuit-switched style call acceptance and routing algorithm for ATM networks. The important feature of the effective bandwidth of a source is that it is a characteristic of that source and the acceptable loss probability only. Thus, the effective bandwidth of a source does not depend on the number of sources sharing the buffer or the model parameters of other types of sources sharing the buffer. © 1993, IEEE. All rights reserved.
