
EXPRESS: A Data EXtraction, Processing, and REStructuring System


EXPRESS is an experimental prototype data translation system which can access a wide variety of data and restructure it for new uses. The system is driven by two very high level nonprocedural languages: DEFINE for data description and CONVERT for data restructuring. Program generation and cooperating process techniques are used to achieve efficient operation. This paper describes the design and implementation of EXPRESS. DEFINE and CONVERT are summarized and the implementation architecture presented. The DEFINE description is compiled into a customized PL/1 program for accessing source data. The restructuring specified in CONVERT is compiled into a set of customized PL/1 procedures to derive multiple target files from multiple input files. Job steps and job control statements are generated automatically. During execution, the generated procedures run under control of a process supervisor, which coordinates buffer management and handles file allocation, deallocation, and all input/output requests. The architecture of EXPRESS allows efficiency in execution by avoiding unnecessary secondary storage references while at the same time allowing the individual procedures to be independent of each other. Its modular structure permits the system to be extended or transferred to another environment easily. © 1977, ACM. All rights reserved. © 1977, ACM. All rights reserved.
