
Ferromagnetic resonance studies in the bilayer system Ni 0.80Fe0.20/Mn0.50Fe0.50


Ferromagnetic resonance of Permalloy in the bilayer system Ni 0.80Fe0.20/Mn0.50Fe0.50 has been used as a probe of the exchange anisotropy at the interface between the ferromagnetic Permalloy layer and the antiferromagnetic manganese iron. For rotation of the applied magnetic field in the plane of the film, the resonance condition exhibits a unidirectional anisotropy which relates directly to the exchange bias field, as measured, for example, by the shift of the hysteresis loop. In the perpendicular orientation, and for Permalloy layer thicknesses greater than about 400 Å, one or more standing spin wave modes are seen in addition to the uniform FMR. The indexing of these modes permit an evaluation of the boundary condition at the ferromagnet/antiferromagnet interface, in terms of partial spin pinning.
