Conference paper

From diversity-based prediction to better ontology & schema matching


Ontology & schema matching predictors assess the quality of matchers in the absence of an exact match. We propose MCD (Match Competitor Deviation), a new diversity-based predictor that compares the strength of a matcher confidence in the correspondence of a concept pair with respect to other correspondences that involve either concept. We also propose to use MCD as a regulator to optimally control a balance between Precision and Recall and use it towards 1 : 1 matching by combining it with a similarity measure that is based on solving a maximum weight bipartite graph matching (MWBM). Optimizing the combined measure is known to be an NP-Hard problem. Therefore, we propose CEM, an approximation to an optimal match by efficiently scanning multiple possible matches, using rare event estimation. Using a thorough empirical study over several benchmark real-world datasets, we show that MCD outperforms other state-of-The-Art predictor and that CEM significantly outperform existing matchers.
