IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers

High Density Digital Magnetic Recording Techniques

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The merit of any high density detection method is ultimately dependent on the “resolution” characteristic of the magnetic recording components. Justification of readback waveform synthesis through “single pulse” superposition is given. A comprehensive, yet general readback simulation program is described which will automatically, for any characteristic pulse, simulate all possible readback signal patterns and test them for specified reading logic as a function of bit density. Amplitude, phase, peak, etc., sensing are compared and the influence of parameter variation on performance indicated. Good correlation with experiment has been realized and has greatly reduced time at the bench. The significance of pulse waveform is clearly revealed and this study has provided a guide to head design (ring and probe), permitting the optimization of a total recording system for high-density storage. COPYRIGHT © 1960—THE INSTITUTE OF RADIO ENGINEERS, INC.



IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers

