Conference paper
Infrared-Laser Spectroscopy of Ammonia-Copper Adsorbates by Infrared-Laser-Induced Photodesorption under Ultrahigh Vaeuum
An infrared laser generated from a Nd laser mixing with a dye laser and operating in the 2–4–μm range with a 10-nsec pulse width has been used recently as a tunable laser source to photodesorb ammonia from a Cu(100) surface after excitation of the ν3 mode.1,2 Microsecond time-resolved quadruple mass spectrometry was successfully applied to detect the molecular desorption from a monolayer coverage on the metal surface after pulsed laser–adsorbate interaction. As recently reviewed by Chuang3 on aspects of laser-induced gas-surface interactions, studies of molecular-solid interactions at low temperatures with infrared lasers can indeed provide important insight into the dynamic processes on surfaces.
© 1984 Optical Society of America