ICDAR 1995
Conference paper

Intelligent document assistant processor for pen-based computing systems

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In this paper, we present the framework design of IDAP (Intelligent Document Assistant Processor) with the capability of intelligent user interface for pen-based computer systems. No conventional computer user interface can compete with pen and paper until now in terms of convenience and ease of use in generating documents. The system gets roughly drawn documents from users, and generates neat documents satisfiable to users. Rough document includes handwritten texts, hand-drawn tables, hand-drawn diagrams, handwritten mathematical expressions. The satisfaction of users is at least as important as the functionality and performance in pen-based system. Therefore, sophisticated user interface is critical for a successful design. Intelligent user interface methodology is employed to make the system more intelligent, natural, and ease of use. Human-computer interaction model called H-COS is proposed for pen-based applications, and the model is applied to design IDAP.



ICDAR 1995


