Conference paper

Java 2 distributed object models performance analysis, comparison and optimization


This paper is focused on the performance analysis, comparison and optimization of the most important distributed object models for Java: RMl (Remote Method Invocation) and RMI-IIOP (Remote Method Invocation over Internet Inter-ORB Protocol). The paper presents the following contributions to the research on distributed object performance. First, a detailed performance analysis of both models is provided with the in-depth comparison. These results help to understand how the models perform. Second, an overhead analysis and the bottleneck identification is presented with the explanation why there are differences in performance. Third, optimizations and the results for performance improved post-beta RMI-IIOP versions are presented. These show considerably better performance in all areas compared to the original beta release, with RMI-IIOP having equivalent or better performance to RMl in almost all cases.
