Conference paper

Measuring the effectiveness of multi-channel marketing campaigns using online chatter


Measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns across different channels is one of the most challenging tasks for today's brand marketers. Such measurement usually relies on a combination of key performance indicators (KPIs), used for assessing various aspects of marketing outcomes. Recently, with the availability of social-media sources, new options for collecting KPIs have become available and numerous social-media monitoring tools and services have emerged. Yet, given the vast media spectrum, which goes beyond social-media channels, existing solutions fail to generalize well and the curation of marketing performance KPIs for most marketing channels still relies on labor intensive means such as surveys and questionnaires. Trying to address the challenges, we propose to demonstrate a novel solution we have developed in IBM: Multichannel Marketing Monitoring Platform (M3P for short). M3P is better tailored for the marketing performance domain, where online chatter is being harnessed for effective collection of meaningful marketing KPIs across all possible channels. We describe M3P's main challenges and review some of its novel KPIs. We then describe the M3P solution, focusing on its KPI extraction process. Finally, we describe the planned demonstration using a real-world marketing use-case.
