Conference paper

Monitoring business processes through event correlation based on dependency model


Events are at the core of reactive and proactive applications, which have become popular in many domains. This demo shows the monitoring of incoming events as a means to detect possible problems in the course of business processes using a dependency model. Contemporary modeling tools lack the capability to express the event semantics and relationships to other entities. This capability is useful when the events are based on a dependency model among business processes, applications and resources. The ability to express an event by employing a general dependency model, and to use it through a designated event correlation monitoring tool, enables the accomplishment of tasks such as impact analysis and business processes monitoring, including prediction of violation of constraints (such as: service level agreements). This demonstrated tool provides the system designer with the ability to define and describe events and their relationships to other events, objects and tasks. The model employs various condition al dependencies that are specific to the event domain. The demo shows how systems (business processes) are monitored using the dependency / event model, by applying roles using an event correlation engine with strong expressive power. This demo proposal describes the generic application development tool, the middleware architecture and framework and the demo.
