
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Submicrometer Si n-MOSFET's at 77 and 300 K


Monte-Carlo simulation results for small silicon n-MOSFET's at 77 and 300 K are presented. A complete description of the silicon band structure including consistent scattering rates, electron-electron scattering, and plasma effects is included in the calculation for the first time. The dependence of transconductance on channel length is in excellent agreement with the experiments of Sai-Halasz et al. [1], [2], and serves to support the expectation of significant velocity overshoot in these devices. For extremely short channels ([formula omitted]) at 77 K, electron-electron scattering plays a significant role in determining the electron energy distribution, while at drain biases exceeding about 1.5 V, band structure effects can play an important role. © 1988 IEEE.
