
Multiple Burst-Correcting Array Codes


Two families of binary linear multiple burst-correcting array codes are presented. The codes consist of all possible n1×n2 arrays over GF(2), where the columns have even parity and the rows belong to any given code of length n2 and minimum distance 21. It is shown that if the bits are read out diagonally instead of horizontally, each diagonal followed by the preceding one (viewed cyclically), then the code can correct up to t bursts of length ≤ n1if and only if n2 ≥2tn1 +1. If each diagonal is followed by the next one, the code can correct up to t bursts of length ≤n1— 1 if and only if n2 ≥ 2t(n1 - 2) +1. For t=1 some of these results are already known. Decoding algorithms are presented, and the case t = 1 is discussed in more detail. © 1988 IEEE.
