
Orthogonal multiple access with correlated sources: Achievable region and pragmatic schemes


In this paper, we consider orthogonal multiple access coding schemes, where correlated sources are encoded in a distributed fashion and transmitted through additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels to an access point (AP). At the AP, component decoders, which are associated with the source encoders, iteratively exchange soft information by taking into account the source correlation. The first goal of this paper is to investigate the ultimate achievable performance limits in terms of a multi-dimensional feasible region in the space of channel parameters, deriving insights on the impact of the number of sources. The second goal is the design of pragmatic schemes, where the sources use 'off-the-shelf' channel codes. In order to analyze the performance of given coding schemes, we propose an extrinsic information transfer-based approach, which allows to determine the corresponding multi-dimensional feasible regions. On the basis of the proposed analytical framework, the performance of pragmatic coded schemes, based on serially concatenated convolutional codes, is discussed. © 2014 IEEE.
