Conference paper

Personalized recommendation of social software items based on social relations


We study personalized recommendation of social software items, including bookmarked web-pages, blog entries, and communities. We focus on recommendations that are derived from the user's social network. Social network information is collected and aggregated across different data sources within our organization. At the core of our research is a comparison between recommendations that are based on the user's familiarity network and his/her similarity network. We also examine the effect of adding explanations to each recommended item that show related people and their relationship to the user and to the item. Evaluation, based on an extensive user survey with 290 participants and a field study including 90 users, indicates superiority of the familiarity network as a basis for recommendations. In addition, an important instant effect of explanations is found - interest rate in recommended items increases when explanations are provided. Copyright 2009 ACM.
