ISCA 1997
Conference paper

Prefetching using Markov predictors

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Prefetching is one approach to reducing the latency of memory operations in modern computer systems. In this paper, we describe the Markov prefetcher. This prefetcher acts as an interface between the on-chip and off-chip cache, and can be added to existing computer designs. The Markov prefetcher is distinguished by prefetching multiple reference predictions from the memory subsystem, and then prioritizing the delivery of those references to the processor. This design results in a prefetching system that provides good coverage, is accurate and produces timely results that can be effectively used by the processor. In our cycle-level simulations, the Markov Prefetcher reduces the overall execution stalls due to instruction and data memory operations by an average of 54% for various commercial benchmarks while only using two thirds the memory of a demand-fetch cache organization.



ISCA 1997


