PODC 1992
Conference paper

Requirements for deadlock-free, adaptive packet routing

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This paper studies the problem of deadlock-free packet routing in parallel and distributed architectures. We present three main results. First, we show that the standard technique of ordering the queues so that every packet always has the possibility of moving to a higher ordered queue is not necessary for deadlock-freedom. Second, we show that every deadlock-free, adaptive packet routing algorithm can be restricted, by limiting the adaptivity available, to obtain an oblivious algorithm which is also deadlock-free. Third, we show that any packet routing algorithm for a cycle or torus network which is free of deadlock and which uses only minimal length paths must require at least three queues in some node. This matches the known upper bound of three queues per node for deadlock-free, minimal packet routing on cycle and torus networks.



PODC 1992

