
Silicon electro-optic modulator based on a three terminal device integrated in a low-loss single-mode SOI waveguide


In this paper we analyze, from a theoretical point of view, a novel silicon optical amplitude-phase modulator integrated into a SOI (silicon on insulator) optical waveguide and based on a three terminal electronic structure which gives rise to definite advantages in comparison with classical p-i-n diode based modulator. The proposed device utilizes the free carrier dispersion effect to produce the desired refractive index and absorption coefficient variations. The MEDICI two-dimensional (2-D) semiconductor device simulator has been used to analyze the electrical operation, with reference to the injected free carriers concentration into the optical channel, its uniformity and the required current density and electrical power. The optical investigation was carried out by means of FDM (finite difference method), EIM (effective index method), and BPM (beam propagation method) tools, giving rise to a complete evaluation of the properties of our device. We report the results for both the amplitude and phase modulators, paying attention to the static and the dynamic behavior. In particular, an amplitude modulation of 20%, with an injection power of about 126 mW, and a switching time of 5.6 ns can be achieved theoretically. Furthermore, as a phase modulator, the device exhibits a very high figure of merit, predicting an induced phase shift per volt per millimeter of about 215°, for a injection power of about 43 mW, and a switching time shorter than 3.5 ns.
