Conference paper

Terabit/sec-class board-level optical interconnects through polymer waveguides using 24-channel bidirectional transceiver modules


We report here on the design, fabrication and characterization of an integrated optical data bus designed for terabit/sec-class module-to-module on-board data transfer using integrated optical transceivers. The parallel optical transceiver is based on a through-silicon-via (TSV) silicon carrier as the platform for integration of 24-channel VCSEL and photodiode arrays with CMOS ICs. The Si carrier also includes optical vias (holes) for optical access to conventional surface-emitting 850-nm optoelectronic (OE) devices. The 48-channel transceiver is flip-chip soldered to an organic carrier forming the transceiver Optomodule. The optical printed circuit board (o-PCB) is a typical FR4 board with a polymer waveguide layer added on top. A 48-channel flex-waveguide is fabricated separately and attached to the FR4 board. Turning mirrors are fabricated into the waveguides and a lens array is attached to facilitate optical coupling. An assembly procedure has been developed to surface mount the Optomodule to the o-PCB using a ball grid array (BGA) process which provides both electrical and optical interconnections. Efficient optical coupling is achieved using a dual-lens optical system, with one lens array incorporated into the Optomodule and a second on the o-PCB. Fully functional Optomodules with 24 transmitter + 24 receiver channels were characterized with transmitters operating up to 20 Gb/s and receivers up to 15 Gb/s. Finally, two Optomodules were assembled onto an o-PCB and a full optical link demonstrated, achieving > 20 bidirectional links at 10 Gb/s. At 15 Gb/s, error-free operation was demonstrated for 15 channels in each direction, realizing a record o-PCB link with a 225 Gb/s bidirectional aggregate data rate. © 2011 IEEE.
