Thin-Film Transistors Incorporating a Thin, High-Quality PECVD SiO2 Gate Dielectric
Thin-film transistors (TFT's) have been made incorporating a thin (~380Å), high-quality plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) SiO2 film as the gate dielectric in a staggered-inverted (SI) structure. Threshold voltages and mobilities have been found to be in the range of 1.6-2.4 V and 0.20-0.25 cm2 V ‘s-1, respectively, where the exact values are dependent upon the measurement technique used. Very low gate leakage currents (< 10-11 A) were recorded when measured using a ramped I-V technique even for electric fields as high as 5 x 106 V/cm. © 1988 IEEE