
Towards Relevancy Aware Service Oriented Systems in WSNs


The increasing interest of researchers in service oriented architecture (SOA) for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is opening new unexplored venues in the field of WSNs. In service oriented systems, services are configured and composed of various other services and thus perform complex tasks. In such composite services, the geospatial locations of services and their coverage is of vital importance as they signify the geospatial relevance of the service to the area of interest to the user. In this paper, we present a service-oriented system for WSNs that is capable of performing service configuration under geospatial and relevancy constraints. We present and evaluate 'Cost Based Model (CBM)' and 'Gain Based Model (GBM)' approaches to capture the relevancy of services hosted on WSN nodes in composite service configuration. The system is resilient to failures and can operate in manual or autonomous recovery modes. The system supports three service configuration methods namely, distributed, centralized and hybrid. Furthermore, we present a novel emulation mechanism for testing the performance of our proposed relevancy models and show that our system efficiently configures services.
