ICT 2015
Conference paper

Unified framework for multifactor authentication

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The progression towards the use of mobile network devices in all facets of personal, business and leisure activity has created new threats to users and challenges to the industry to preserve security and privacy. Whilst mobility provides a means for interacting with others and accessing content in an easy and malleable way, these devices are increasingly being targeted by malicious parties in a variety of attacks. In addition, web technologies and applications are supplying more function and capability that attracts users to social media sites, e-shopping malls, and for managing finances (banking). The primary mechanism for authentication still employs a username and password based approach. This is often extended with additional (multifactor) authentication tools such as one time identifiers, hardware tokens, and biometrics. In this paper we discuss the threats, risks and challenges with user authentication and present the techniques to counter these problems with several patterns and approaches. We then outline a framework for supplying these authentication capabilities to the industry based on a unified authentication hub.



ICT 2015

