Conference paper

Where can my career take me? Harnessing dialogue for interactive career goal recommendations


Career goals represent a special case for recommender systems and require considering both short and long term goals. Recommendations must represent a trade off between relevance to the user, achievability and aspirational goals to move the user forward in their career. Users may have different motivations and concerns when looking for a new long term goal, so involving the user in the recommender process becomes all the more important than in other domains. Additionally, the cost to the user of making a bad decision is much higher than investing two hours in watching a movie they don't like or listening to an unappealing song. As a result, we feel career recommendations is a unique opportunity to truly engage the user in an interactive recommender as we believe they will invest the cognitive load. In this paper, we present an interactive career goal recommender framework that leverages the power of dialogue to allow the user interactively improve the recommendations and bring their own preferences to the system. The underlying recommendation algorithm is a novel solution that suggests both short and long term goals through utilizing the sequential patterns extracted from career trajectories that are enhanced with features of the supporting user profiles. The effectiveness of the proposed solution is demonstrated with extensive experiments on two real world data sets.
