HFES 2006
Conference paper

You have 5 minutes to convince me - A participatory panel


We take pride in knowing the benefits of performing task analyses and user centered design and sometimes we assume that others share our keen interests and goals. What happens when the important work of understanding the end-user early is not done? What if you found yourself in a position to do something to prevent such a misstep? How would you convince a team manager that performing user centered design exercises is an integral part of a projects' success? What would you say? This alternate participatory session will give attendees a chance to practice and to learn what to say to make their arguments more effective. First, attendees will observe how some experts would address the challenge, and then they would be given an opportunity to present their case through a role playing activity. The most germane elements of our profession will surface, producing both a creative and informative forum. This participatory panel will be hosted and facilitated by Susan Spraragen, IBM Research, and John F. Kelley, Ph.D., CPE, IBM Global Services.



HFES 2006

