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1589 results for
Computer Vision- Su Myeon Kim
- Seungwoo Kang
- et al.
- 2005
- IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
- Mukund Padmanabhan
- Satya Dharanipragada
- 2004
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Jing Huang
- Gerasimos Potamianos
- et al.
- 2004
- Speech Communication
- 2004
- J Visual Commun Image Represent
- 2004
- J Visual Commun Image Represent
- Rik Harbers
- Nikolaj Moll
- et al.
- 2004
- Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision
- William Byrne
- David Doermann
- et al.
- 2004
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Vaibhava Goel
- Shankar Kumar
- et al.
- 2004
- IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing
- Takayuki Itoh
- Yumi Yamaguchi
- et al.
- 2004
- Tapas Kanungo
- Qigong Zheng
- 2004
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence