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- J. A. Busby
- E. N. Cohen
- et al.
- 2020
- IBM J. Res. Dev
- Miguel ÁNgel Prada-delgado
- Iluminada Baturone
- et al.
- 2020
- IoT
- Pierre-alain Fouque
- Jeffrey Hoffstein
- et al.
- 2020
- Post-Quantum Cryptography Standard
- Patrick Eugster
- Seema Kumar
- et al.
- 2019
- IEEE Pervasive Computing
- Leo Ducas
- Eike Kiltz
- et al.
- 2018
- IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
- 2017
- IEEE Transactions On SMC: Systems
- Leonel Sousa
- Samuel Antão
- et al.
- 2016
- IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine
- Sanjam Garg
- Craig Gentry
- et al.
- 2016
- SIAM Journal on Computing