Anupama Ray


Senior Research Scientist
Anupama Ray


Dr. Anupama Ray is an Advisory Research Scientist at IBM Research, India. She is an IBM Quantum Ambassador and a Qiskit Advocate. She is also serving as an Adjunct Faculty at IIT Jodhpur. She completed her Ph.D from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Her doctoral research focused on developing and applying multi-dimensional deep recurrent neural networks for document analysis and computer vision applications. At IBM Research she has been predominantly working in the area of natural language processing: building NLP systems for low-resource languages, domain independent information extraction systems and natural language generation. She is currently working the area of Quantum Machine learning and quantum applications in finance. She has published several papers in top tier conferences and journals and has received several Best paper awards. She has been the recipient of the IEEE Best Woman Professional (Early Career) and Technology Rising Star award from WOC STEM awards. She received several awards at IBM Research such as Research Division Award, Eminence and Excellence Award and Outstanding Technical Achievement Award to name a few. She was nominated and selected as a Young Scientist in Global Young Scientist Summit and is an active member of IEEE, AAAI, and Society of Women Engineers (SWE) India.

Link to our NPTEL Quantum Computing Course to be taught from 23rd August 2021 with IIT Madras :



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