Avi Sil


Avi Sil


Principal Research Scientist - Language and Agents


IBM Research - Yorktown Heights Yorktown Heights, NY USA


Dr. Avi Sil is a Principal Research Scientist and a people manager at IBM Research AI. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field of AI and considered a global leader in the field of Question Answering and Generative AI. He leads the Multilingual Question Answering team (comprising of research scientists and engineers) and is the creator of the PrimeQA toolkit. His team's research has not only become products but also featured at the top of multiple leaderboards (Natural Questions, TyDI, XOR-TyDI).

He is a senior program committee member for major Computational Linguistics conferences including being an Area Chair several times. He has more than 20 US patents filed all in the area of Artificial Intelligence and it's applications in various spheres.

Research Interests: 

  • Agentic Workflows with LLMs
  • Retrieval Augmented Generation
  • Large language models and representation learning


  • Demo Chair:
    • NAACL 2021
  • Diversity and Inclusion Chair:
    • Chair of the Academic Inclusion team at ACL 2021
  • Organizer:
  • Shared Task Coordinator
    • 2020: Fine grained entity extraction at Text Analysis Conference (TAC), (co lead along with Heng Ji)
    • 2019: Entity Discovery and Linking task at Text Analysis Conference (TAC), (co lead along with Heng Ji)
  • Area Chair (Tracks: Question Answering & Information Extraction)
    • 2020: ACL, EMNLP
    • 2019: CoNLL, ACL, NAACL
    • 2018: NAACL, COLING
  • Session Chair
    • ACL 2019, Question Answering 
    • NAACL 2018, Question Answering

Latest News:

  1. (new) Invited guest lecture at GA Tech NLP course. Slides are available here.
  2. (new) Gave a tutorial at EMNLP 2021 Multilingual Multi-domain QA along with Sebastian Ruder. Slides are here.
  3. Two papers at ACL 2021 (on QA and IE) and 1 at SIGIR 2021 (Neural IR for Domain Adaptation)
  4.  Two papers at NAACL 2021. 1. QA over tables and 2. Event time extraction
  5. Two papers at AAAI 2021.
  6. Invited talk at UCLA NLP Group (Nov 20). Host: Kai-wei Chang



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