Kaoutar El Khiyaoui


Research Staff Member
Kaoutar El Khiyaoui


Kaoutar Elkhiyaoui is a research staff member at IBM Research Zurich. She obtained her phD in applied cryptography in 2012 from Telecom ParisTech, and her master degree in electrical engineering in 2009 from Telecom Bretagne.

Prior to joining IBM Research, Kaoutar was a research scientist at Eurecom, where her research focused on cloud security and spanned topics such as verifiable computation and storage.

Kaoutar's work at IBM Research is centered around blockchain security and privacy. She conducts research in the areas of privacy-preserving token systems with focus on zero-knowledge proofs and distributed ledger technology.




Top collaborators

Julia Hesse

Julia Hesse

Technical Assistant to Alessandro Curioni, VP IBM Research Europe & Africa