Muhammad Zaid Hameed

Muhammad Zaid Hameed


Muhammad Zaid Hameed received his PhD degree in electrical engineering from Imperial College London, London, UK, in 2020. In 2020–2022, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher with the Resilient Information Systems Security Research Group, Imperial College London. Since 2022, he has been a Research Scientist at IBM Research and his current work at IBM involves adversarial robustness in machine learning, federated learning and contributing to open source projects such as adversarial robustness toolbox (ART). His research interests include machine learning, federated learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning and wireless communication.



Top collaborators

Mark Purcell

Mark Purcell

Research Manager - Security Research, AI Security & PETs
Ambrish Rawat

Ambrish Rawat

Senior Research Scientist, AI Security and Privacy, Master Inventor