Popular topics
Exploratory Photonics
Exploring novel photonic computing approaches by harnessing quantum-optical effects
Atom and Molecule Manipulation
Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy.
Biomedical Foundation Models
Exploring the power of BMFM technologies to drive critical tasks in drug discovery
Lab that Learns
Leveraging AI foundation models and multi-cloud computing to usher in a new era of reproducible and collaborative experimentation for scientific discovery.
Behavioral Analysis for Alzheimer's Disease
Multiple digital health-related applications for Alzheimer's disease using behavioral sensor data
Flow-chemistry Reactors for Catalysis
Design and Fabrication of silicon microfluidics for combinatorial screening of catalytic reaction pathways for accelerated material discovery and chemical conversion.
Quantum Transduction
Connecting quantum systems across long distances
AI for Scientific Discovery
Creating the AI-enabled lab for a new era of reproducible and collaborative experimentation
Discovering physics extremes with computing
Mathematics and algorithms for identifying configurations of complex physical systems exhibiting unique, anomalous properties.