Conference paper

A cascade image transform for speaker independent automatic speechreading


We propose a three-stage pixel based visual front end for automatic speechreading (lipreading) that results in improved recognition performance of spoken words or phonemes. The proposed algorithm is a cascade of three transforms applied to a three-dimensional video region of interest that contains the speaker's mouth area. The first stage is a typical image compression transform that achieves a high "energy", reduced-dimensionality representation of the video data. The second stage is a linear discriminant analysis based data projection, which is applied to a concatenation of a small number of consecutive image transformed video data. The third stage is a data rotation by means of a maximum likelihood linear transform. Such transform optimizes the likelihood of the observed data under the assumption of their class conditional Gaussian distribution with diagonal covariance. We apply the algorithm to visual-only 52-class phonetic and 27-class visemic classification on a 162-subject, 7-hour long, large vocabulary, continuous speech audio-visual dataset. We demonstrate significant classification accuracy gains by each added stage of the proposed algorithm, which, when combined, can reach up to 27% improvement. Overall, we achieve a 49% (38%) visual-only frame level phonetic classification accuracy with (without) use of test set phone boundaries. In addition, we report improved audio-visual phonetic classification over the use of a single-stage image transform visual front end.
