Extremely thin SOI (ETSOI) CMOS with record low variability for low power system-on-chip applications
We present a new ETSOI CMOS integration scheme. The new process flow incorporates all benefits from our previous unipolar work. Only a single mask level is required to form raised source/drain (RSD) and extensions for both NFET and PFET. Another new feature of this work is the incorporation of two strain techniques to boost performance, (1) Si RSD for NFET and SiGe RSD for PFET, and (2) enhanced stress liner effect coupling with faceted RSD. Using the new flow and the stress boosters we demonstrate NFET and PFET drive currents of 640 and 490 μA/μm, respectively, at Ioff = 300 pA/μm, V DD = 0.9V, and LG = 25nm. Respectable device performance along with low GIDL makes these devices attractive for low power applications. Record low VT variability is achieved with AVt of 1.25 mV· μm in our high-k/metal-gate ETSOI. The new process flow is also capable of supporting devices with multiple gate dielectric thicknesses as well as analog devices which are demonstrated with excellent transconductance and matching characteristics. © 2009 IEEE.